C8OL Created Out Of Love®
C8OL Created Out Of Love® is a streetwear lifestyle brand founded by Erika McDavid in 2015. After the official launch date in February 2018, C8OL has spread across social media been worn by celebrities such as Chris Paul and Wiz Khalifa to name a few. Originating in the state known for lovers, the C8OL brand was created to further promote the ideal of positivity, motivation, and success, through expressions of love.
About The Brand
Designed and created from a place of love, C8OL’s mission is to make a difference across the world, regardless of race or religion. C8OL’s vision is to maintain a clothing line catering to exclusive garments that mixes simplicity with classic silhouettes and details. Each release features pieces that are cut and sew, limited, and stays true to the mission of being 'Created Out Of Love'. To achieve this, pieces are released at random and once sold out site will close until the next release.
CEO Fun Fact: My birthday is 5/28 and I always told myself I would release each drop at 5:28pm. It wasn't until after I started C8OL I found out what 528HZ meant. 528 HZ frequency, or the "Love Frequency" resonates at the HEART of Everything!
We all have Love inside of us, but the true test is how we can spread the love around to make the world a better place.
C8 = C R E A T E D O = O U T O F L = L O V E
“When love, determination, motivation, and skill work together, expect a masterpiece” -C8OL